Marline 2 Stroke Petrol is a premium quality ethanol-free biodegradable alkylate fuel with a shelf life of up to 5 years without deterioration in both its quality or performance, more often or not one of the most likely causes of an engine failure is the use of stale or contaminated dirty fuel.This fuel can be used in many makes and models of land-based 2-stroke engines used within the industry such as Stihl, Husqvarna, Echo and Kawasaki to name but a few.Marline fuel is free from ethanol and is virtually free from benzene, olefins and aromatic hydrocarbons which are classed as harmful substances that can cause serious health issues.Marline fuel is conveniently available in both 1 litre (12 per case) and 5 litres (4 per case) and is the perfect consumable to add to any hire contract or sale optimising the performance of the machine and reducing downtime or damage whilst increasing your overall sales revenue.
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5LTR Marline 2 Stroke Premium Alkylate Ethanol Free Fuel
Categories: Alkylate Fuel, Fuels/Oils/Lubricants
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